Fightbabe Robin Gives Detailed Instruction

in the Science of Scissorology!


$37.99-DVD-- -----------------nnn--- ---- -- --32 minutes


 Member's Preview #1                                     Member's Preview #2

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V998 Fightbabe Robin Gives Detailed Instruction in the Science of Scissorology!

Dr Robin Fightbabe is the world renown Scissor Scientist with a PHD in Scissorol0gy!  She gives detailed instruction in this video on how to SCISSOR! This video is incredibly educational!  You will learn everything you have ever wanted to know regarding how to apply to scissor holds! Front Head Scissors, Side Head Scissors, Reverse Head Scissors, Reverse Figure Four Head Scissors, Lap Scissors and Robin's famous 1-5 gear reverse head scissor! Robin is Seductive, Sexy, and a true scientist in the art of Scissoring!  Don't miss her lethal legs and bewitching personality!!! Scissor Lovers Rejoice! Pantyhose Lovers, Double Rejoice!

Free Demo Clip (Download a Free .mp4 version HERE)

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