Leg Lock Domination!

Hazel Annie Picks A Fight With The Wrong Bitch!


$17.99-DVD-- -----------------nnn--- ---- -- --11 minutes


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V997 Leg Lock Domination!  Hazel Annie picks a fight with the wrong bitch!!

Hazel Annie is furious!  Robin has been seeing her boyfriend, John and Hazel arrives cursing and ready to kick Robin's ass!  Unfortunately for Hazel, Robin confidently takes her on and proceeds to put her through a series of extremely painful leg locks, toe holds, foot locks and pressure points!  Hazel screams in agony and Robin put Hazel through harrowing submissions!  After so many painful locks, Hazel declares she no longer has interest in her boyfriend!  Robin can have him!  But Robin was challenged so she will finish this fight her way!!!  A fabulously painful camel clutch with carotid artery pressure points!! Good night Hazel! This fightbabe knows her holds!!!  For all of you leg lock, foot lock and toe hold fanatics!!  Enjoy!

Free Demo Clip (Download a Free .mp4 version HERE)

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